Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beef Casserole

Tonight I was back in the kitchen. I made the Beef Casserole (page 151).  This casserole contains ground beef, onion, cream of chicken soup, cream of mushroom soup, mushrooms (which I did not add), almonds, and buttered breadcrumbs. There must be an efficient way to make buttered breadcrumbs which business school must have forgotten to teach me.  I did my best ripping up some bread and sticking it in melted butter, but it just ended up all lumpy. Tonight while I stood there chopping up the onions, I was thinking about the scene in 'Julie & Julia' where Julia Childs was practicing her chopping skills with bags of onions after her first day of cooking class. I was just a little slower than she was...  Grandma's recipe did not say to serve this casserole with anything, but after I made it I felt something was missing. I ending up eating mine over my favorite carbohydrate...noodles.
The dish tasted good to me. However, I got the feeling that this casserole is a glorified Hamberger Helper.  None-the-less, I will likely make it again sometime but not until after the rest of the book has been cooked.

Tonight I took another stab at making the Honey Granola. This time I added more honey, more nuts, and baked it less. I haven't tasted it yet, so I'll have to let you know later how this second take works out.
The Pecan Pie is gone... I am sorry everyone couldn't get a piece, because it was good.

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